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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Ready Stock Market. By using our website, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use. Please review the following terms carefully. If you do not agree to these terms, you should not use this site.

1. Acceptance of Agreement

You agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Terms and Conditions Agreement ("Agreement") with respect to our site (the "Site"). This Agreement constitutes the entire and only agreement between us and you, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, representations, warranties, and understandings with respect to the Site, the content, products, or services provided by or through the Site, and the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended at any time by us from time to time without specific notice to you. The latest Agreement will be posted on the Site, and you should review this Agreement prior to using the Site.

2. Intellectual Property

The content, organization, graphics, design, compilation, magnetic translation, digital conversion, and other matters related to the Site are protected under applicable copyrights, trademarks, and other proprietary (including but not limited to intellectual property) rights. The copying, redistribution, use, or publication by you of any such matters or any part of the Site, except as allowed by Section 4 below, is strictly prohibited. You do not acquire ownership rights to any content, document, or other materials viewed through the Site. The posting of information or materials on the Site does not constitute a waiver of any right in such information and materials.

3. Fraud

By creating an account, you confirm that the information provided is accurate and complete. You agree to provide up-to-date, complete, and accurate account information. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, we have the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Site (or any portion thereof).

4. Limited Right to Use

The viewing, printing, or downloading of any content, graphic, form, or document from the Site grants you only a limited, nonexclusive license for use solely by you for your own personal use and not for republication, distribution, assignment, sublicense, sale, preparation of derivative works, or other use. No part of any content, form, or document may be reproduced in any form or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, other than for your personal use (but not for resale or redistribution).

5. Editing, Deleting, and Modification

We reserve the right in our sole discretion to edit or delete any documents, information, or other content appearing on the Site.

6. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us and our partners, attorneys, staff, and affiliates (collectively, "Affiliated Parties") harmless from any liability, loss, claim, and expense, including reasonable attorney's fees, related to your violation of this Agreement or use of the Site.

7. Nontransferable

Your right to use the Site is not transferable. Any password or right given to you to obtain information or documents is not transferable and may only be used by you.

8. Disclaimer and Limits

The information from or through the site is provided "as-is," "as available," and all warranties, express or implied, are disclaimed (including but not limited to the disclaimer of any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose). The information and services may contain bugs, errors, problems, or other limitations. We and our affiliated parties have no liability whatsoever for your use of any information or service. In particular, but not as a limitation thereof, we and our affiliated parties are not liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business, loss of profits, litigation, or the like), whether based on breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort (including negligence), product liability, or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. The negation of damages set forth above is a fundamental element of the basis of the bargain between us and you. This site and the information would not be provided without such limitations. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us through the site shall create any warranty, representation, or guarantee not expressly stated in this agreement.

9. Limitation of Liability

We and any Affiliated Party shall not be liable for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage of any kind resulting in any way from (a) any errors in or omissions from the Site or any services or products obtainable therefrom, (b) the unavailability or interruption of the Site or any features thereof, (c) your use of the Site, (d) the content contained on the Site, or (e) any delay or failure in performance beyond the control of a Covered Party.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be treated as though it were executed and performed in [State], USA, and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State] (without regard to conflict of law principles). Any cause of action by you with respect to the Site (and/or any information, products, or services related thereto) must be instituted within one (1) year after the cause of action arose or be forever waived and barred. All actions shall be subject to the limitations set forth in Section 8 and Section 9. The language in this Agreement shall be interpreted as to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any party.

11. Miscellaneous

The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be used to limit or construe such sections. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remaining provisions shall be enforced. Our failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches.

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